Welcome To My Alter World

$250.00 AUD $300.00


A place where I share my poetic thoughts
About the world that I create in my mind
A world where I can escape from reality
And explore the possibilities of my imagination

My alter world is a place of beauty and wonder
Where I can express myself freely and creatively
Where I can find inspiration and joy
And where I can connect with others who share my vision

My alter world is not a fantasy or a delusion
It is a part of me that I cherish and nurture
It is a way of coping with the challenges of life
And a way of celebrating the gifts of existence

I invite you to join me in my alter world
To see the world through my artistic eyes
To feel the emotions that I convey in my colors & brush stokes 
And to discover the meaning that I find in my alter world.


Mixed Media Oils on 24"x24" canvas